1 Year In.
Well, here we are. 1 year into this crazy ride. I'm not sure where I thought I'd be at this point, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't here. Starting your own business is no joke. The. struggle. is. real. In so many ways I can't believe how much this little business has grown. At this time last year I had just started my own Wordpress.com blog and had registered my gmail.com email address. I thought I was BIG TIME. Now? I'm a fully functioning LLC, with a business bank account and a Federal TIN. I'm a real thing! I have "regular" clients (who I LOVE!) and I still get giddy when new clients contact me for more information. I just finished an internship with an AMAZING wedding photographer (check her out: Jessica Patton) and I have discovered my love/hate relationship with weddings. Read: I LOVE weddings, I HATE the exhaustion that follows... And I suppose we can talk about how my photography has grown. In just one year I have learned that I can edit my own photos and I don't need a "70's action" aka instagram filter to make all of my photos look gallery worthy.
Not that the top image is bad, but let's face it, I did NOT understand light. I can't thank my clients enough for hanging with me. For supporting me through the blurry photos and busy backgrounds. It means the world to me that you keep coming back.
Here's the thing about the photography world, or any world really; comparison really, really....(I'm trying to find a nicer word but I can't)....sucks. I can't tell you how many photographers I follow on Facebook and Instagram and some of it is so inspiring. It's the kind of image that makes you want to call up your best friend and demand she grab her husband so we can go try our own take on it. But some of it, some of it just leaves you empty. Leaves you feeling worthless. There have been so many times when I've thought, "I'll never be as good as _______". But then I get to editing my most recent session and an image jumps out at me and takes my breath away.
Looking back on this past year, there have been ups and downs, but really, there have been so many good, awesome moments that I wouldn't trade for anything. I might not have as many "likes" on Facebook as I thought I would, but I have THE BEST clients. The kind of clients that I consider friends. And what is really better than that?